Monday, October 31, 2016


Journalism itself is such a bigger term in this present world.It is vast, it is fast and it is important.
Well, journalism has been practiced by different journalist all over the globe for a very long time now. Newspapers in the 17th, magazines  in the 18th, radio and television in the 20th  and the Internet in the 21st.,The history of its growth shows how it changed and kept on adding new mediums with the change of every century.It is itself an active factor.

While encountering about what defines journalism we can know that it is a form of writing that tells people about things that really happened or the things that is going to happen but that they might not have known about it  already. They are journalist the people who write about journalism.The sole  purpose of journalism is to provide  the audience or the citizens of the world the information they need to know and make correct decisions about themselves ,their societies, and the government.It is indirectly a part of all the human beings who desire to live a better  and a informative life.And in this 21st century every one is involved in it directly or indirectly.Hence it is drastically growing all over the world in this advanced century.Apart from the paid or the professionals every one can write something and then post it public in the sites now a days.Journalism had been made easy these day.But before it used to be only in the newspapers, radio and televisions.Only the professionals were the ones to post or make stories for journalism.

With the change of the decades it also widened its boundaries.

For journalism has a very huge role and is an non-neglect able factor.It investigates and reports about the major issues and act as a mediator or the translator for the public.Journalist listens, records, distills and passes it to the public for their consumption.Community activities, agenda setters, informers,voice for the voice less, these are the titles a journalist gets while they perform journalism in the real world .They are public servants. People seeks information's from journalist and hence people's right to express is nothing without journalism.Because of this reason journalism is considered as the inseparable part of democracy.If fulfills people's right to express.

They are the press who provide the general public with the information's regarding every small and big things happening world wide.A journalist while in journalism should also follow journalism principles  while they are reporting such a bigger or a smaller issue.They should be accurate,balanced, truthful and creditable .The information they provide should be up to date and should be clear and real.Without the accuracy people may not have trust in the journalism.